Superfish navigation with a centered sub menu configuration

After successfully centering the Superfish Navbar menu on my page, I encountered some difficulty trying to center the first level sub-menu as well.

I wanted to include an image to help illustrate my issue, but unfortunately, I currently lack the necessary 10 reputations to do so.

Answer №1

Check out this nifty workaround for the issue:

Step 1: Start off by creating a handy JavaScript function to shift the sub menu as needed. Here's a basic example:

function ShiftSubMenu(distanceToShift){

 document.getElementById("subMenuContainer").style.margin-left = -distanceToShift;


Keep in mind: You must assign the unordered list an id of "subMenuContainer".

Step 2: Next, trigger the JavaScript function when hovering over items like "Home" or "Services" which have submenus. Execute the function while passing the custom distance parameter (through trial and error). Here's how you can do it:

<a href="/" class="sf-with-ul" onmouseover="ShiftSubMenu(50);">Home</a>

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