Implementing css padding to text preceding images

My content includes text and images in a mix, and I wish to add CSS margin to elements that appear directly before and after the images. Unfortunately, the placement of these elements can vary and is beyond my control.

The code snippet below demonstrates how I am currently applying margin to the elements preceding the image:

#single-pg * + img { margin-top: 75px; }

The issue with this code is that it also adds the margin to other images (which I want to avoid). Additionally, I would like to achieve a similar effect for the content elements following the image:

#single-pg img + * { margin-bottom: 75px; }

This is the HTML structure within Wordpress:

<div id="single-pg" >
    <?php the_content(); ?>

The final output could look like the example below, though the order may vary depending on the author:


Answer №1

Your issue is not completely clear from the description provided (and it's difficult to assess without seeing your markup). If you want to apply margin-top and margin-bottom to all elements except for images, you can utilize the :not selector.

:not(img) {
    margin-top: 75px;
    margin-bottom: 75px;


To target paragraphs in a more specific manner, scripting will be necessary. You can use the adjacent sibling selector to set the margin-top value as follows:

img + p {
  margin-top: 75px;

Then, employ the jQuery .prev() method to specify the paragraph immediately before each image:

$("img").prev().css("margin-bottom", "75px"); 

Here is an updated fiddle demonstrating this approach. Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

Answer №2

Organize your images and text by placing them in separate containers, allowing you to control the spacing around each element.

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