What is the CSS selector used to target elements that are not contained within another selector?

There are numerous nested divs within my code:


To style them, I use a simple pink color rule:

div { color: pink; }

If I want to remove this color rule for specific divs and all their children, I can add the special class. For instance, adding it to this div,

  <div class="special">

will make "Apple," "Banana," and "Grape" lose their pink color.

Is there a way to modify the rule to only target divs that are not inside a .special div?

I am not interested in creating a rule for .special that cancels out all styles on div. Using such as solution like this one:

.special, .special div { color: black !important; }

is not ideal, especially when dealing with complex styles beyond just changing colors.

Answer №1

In CSS, it is not possible to completely prevent children or descendants from inheriting inheritable style properties.

To stop descendants from inheriting certain styles, you must explicitly reset those style properties for the specific elements.

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