The addition of a cancel swipe feature to an HTML5 eBook is causing the text input field for note-taking to malfunction

I am currently working on the development of a process to create HTML5 based eBooks for both desktop and mobile use using Adobe InDesign and exporting them with a plugin called In5. This plugin allows for the incorporation of html, css, and javascript during export. The challenge I have run into is that a portion of the smooth swipe JS/JQuery code that I discovered on the In5 forums seems to be causing issues with the text input field on desktop browsers (oddly enough, it does not affect iPads).

  var pageWidth = parseInt($(".page").width());
  var pageChangeThreshold = pageWidth*.001;
  var pageWrap = $('.pages'), startPos, vertMode = false,
  nextProp = 'left', backProp = 'right', moveProp = 'left';
var cancelSwipe = function(){                                       //This Function breaks the note taking for some reason, changing name does not fix. removing the function totally breaks the swiping
pageWrap.animate({left:startPos+'px'}, 'fast');

          allowPageScroll: (vertMode ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'), fingers:1, 
          excludedElements:$.fn.swipe.defaults.excludedElements+',.mejs-overlay-button,map,[onclick],[data-useswipe="1"],[data-tapstart="1"], .panzoom,.scroll-horiz',
        swipeStatus:function(event, phase, direction, distance, duration, fingers) {
                case 'start':
                    startPos = parseInt(pageWrap.css(moveProp));
                case 'end':
                    if(distance > pageChangeThreshold){
                            case nextProp:
                                if(nav.current < nav.numPages);
                                else cancelSwipe();
                            case backProp:
                                if(nav.current > 1) nav.back();
                                else cancelSwipe();

                    } else {


                case 'move':            
                        case nextProp:
                            pageWrap.css(moveProp, (startPos-distance)+'px');
                        case backProp:
                            pageWrap.css(moveProp, (startPos+distance)+'px');


                case 'cancel':          //These lines of code seem to break the pop-out menu on iOS, renamed from 'cancel' to 'cancelSwipe' seems to have fixed this

The exact line causing the issue appears to be:

pageWrap.animate({left:startPos+'px'}, 'fast');

This is the code we designed for the note-taking application:

    <div class="allnotes">
    <input type="text" id="textInput"><button id="add" class="addButton"></button>
        <div id="notes" class="notes"></div>
            function get_notes() {
                var notes = new Array;
                var notes_str = localStorage.getItem('note');
                if (notes_str !== null) {
                    notes = JSON.parse(notes_str);
                return notes;
            function add() {
                var textInput = " <button id=\"goto" +$('.page').attr('data-name')+"\" class=\"gotopagebutton\">pg. "+$('.page').attr('data-name')+"</button>"+document.getElementById('textInput').value;
                var notes = get_notes();
                localStorage.setItem('note', JSON.stringify(notes));
                return false;
            function remove() {
                var id = this.getAttribute('id');
                var notes = get_notes();
                notes.splice(id, 1);
                localStorage.setItem('note', JSON.stringify(notes));
                return false;
            function gotopage(destinationpageNumber) {
                var currentpagenumber = $('.page').attr('data-name');
                currentpagenumber = parseInt(currentpagenumber);
                destinationpageNumber = parseInt(destinationpageNumber.split(' ')[1]);
                var distance = destinationpageNumber - currentpagenumber;
                var offset = currentpagenumber - nav.current;
                // if (distance == 0) {
                //     go(event,[{n:1,id:96334,act:'reverse'},{n:1,id:96324,act:'reverse'}]);
                // }
            function shownotes() {
                var notes = get_notes();
                var html = '<ul>';
                for (var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
                    html += '<li>' + notes[i] + " " + '<button class=\"remove\" id=\"' + i + '\">x</button></li>';
                html += '</ul>';
                document.getElementById('notes').innerHTML = html;
                var removebuttons = document.getElementsByClassName('remove');
                for (var i = 0; i < removebuttons.length; i++) {
                    removebuttons[i].addEventListener('click', remove);
                var gotopagebuttons = document.getElementsByClassName('gotopagebutton');
                for (var i = 0; i < gotopagebuttons.length; i++) { 
                    gotopagebuttons[i].addEventListener('click', gotopage.bind(null, gotopagebuttons[i].innerHTML));
            document.getElementById('add').addEventListener('click', add);

Can someone assist in identifying why the .animate function might disrupt the selection or focus of the text input field? Alternatively, could you suggest another method to cancel a swipe action on a touch screen device (such as an iPad or Windows tablet)?

Here is a sample page showing the problem upon export.

Answer №1

following the line (page: 0001.html)


insert this:


this solution appears to resolve the issue of not being able to manually select the input box. It seems like there is a script running that prevents manual selection, as evidenced by the page blinking when attempting to click on it. However, setting focus through jquery fixes the problem.

I trust this information proves helpful

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