Strange glitches and slow loading problems plaguing website. (GoDaddy)

Lately, I have been revamping my website, which was originally given to me by a friend. I have been making slight adjustments to update its appearance while keeping its classic look with enhanced resolution and cleaned-up HTML5 code.

Recently, my focus has shifted towards SEO optimization and improving user experience by implementing compression for faster load times and reorganizing the code as recommended by many websites.

I have moved Javascript before the closing body tag, included CSS in the head section, and compressed images using Photoshop.

However, after making changes to my .htaccess file to enable compression, I have encountered issues with prolonged loading times and missing elements on the page due to constant refreshes or frequent use of the search bar. Sometimes, certain scripts take too long to execute.

To provide more context:

  • The csSearchPro script, which was created in Perl, worked smoothly until I started experimenting with compression and adding new JS snippets to the site.

  • I added HTML5Shiv for IE 7/8 support, considering they still hold a significant browser:user ratio.

The Query: What could be causing the excessive hang-ups and anomalies in functionality post-compression compared to before? Why are the search bar and images behaving erratically after multiple page loads?

If further details are required, please feel free to inquire.

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're experiencing sluggish performance on your server, it's a good idea to inspect your .htaccess file and permissions settings. Additionally, consider organizing your scripts and stylesheets for optimal loading speed by following this structure:

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/one.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/two.css" />
<!-- JS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/one.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/two.js"></script>

This method enables simultaneous loading of all stylesheets followed by all scripts asynchronously. As a best practice, I recommend placing jQuery in the header for inline usage, while consolidating other scripts into a single file at the footer (remember to enclose them in document ready handlers whenever possible to prevent variable conflicts).

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