How to modify the appearance of the md-tab-header component in Angular2

Currently, I am working on a project that was passed down to me by a former colleague. It is a gradual process of discovery as I try to address and resolve any issues it may have.

One particular element in the project is a md-tab-header with a .mat-tab-header class that I want to customize using CSS to change its appearance. I attempted something like this:

  background-color: blue !important;


  background-color: blue !important;


I decided to place this code in the component.css file of a specific page so that it does not impact the entire project (if I wanted it to affect all pages, I would have included it in my HTML code). However, I am facing difficulty overriding Angular's default styles in this manner. What should be my next step?

The most efficient solution would probably involve altering the project architecture, but since this is a minor issue, I would prefer to avoid making significant changes if possible.

Answer №1

Make sure to set ViewEncapsulation.None when declaring your component, and include your styles in the css file.

@Component({ .... encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None })

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