I designed my radio buttons to ensure they cannot be selected multiple times

I have developed a basic React custom controlled radio button:

export const Radio: FC<RadioProps> = ({
}) => {
  const id = useId();

  return (
          disabled ? 'cursor-not-allowed' : 'cursor-pointer',
          'inline-flex items-center mr-4'
          onChange={onChange} // This will be used to check the radio button
            checked ? 'after:scale-1' : 'after:scale-0',
            'radio__radio w-5 h-5 border-2 border-gray-400 rounded-full mr-2 box-border p-0.5',
            "after:content-[''] after:block after:h-full after:w-full after:bg-green-500 after:rounded-full after:transform after:transition-transform after:duration-[35ms]"

Currently, I am displaying a collection of these radio buttons:

  {items.map(({ label, id }) => {
    return (
        checked={id === selected}
        onChange={() => onSelect(id)}

The issue at hand is that the onChange event for each radio button (within the input) triggers only once, preventing users from reselecting a radio button. Users can switch between them but are unable to re-select one, as the onChange in each button fires only once. How can I modify my Radio component to trigger the onChange when reselecting a radio button?

Answer №1

In order for the HTML input element to function properly, you must include both the onChange and checked properties. Make sure to pass the checked property into your <input /> element like this:

const MyCheckableItem = ({ checked, onChange }) => {
  return <input checked={checked} onChange={onChange} />

To learn more about this, visit: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#checked

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