What is the best way to increase the padding in a Colorbox modal window?

Is there a way to increase the padding in a Colorbox modal window? I want some extra space between the edges of the modal window and the actual content. I experimented with the innerWidth and innerHeight properties, but unfortunately, I didn't notice any changes.

// Setting up inline content for Colorbox window
    inline: true, 
    fixed: true,
    height: "80%",
    width: "80%",
    innerWidth: "50%",
    innerHeight: "50%"

Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you want to customize the padding of the modal window, I wouldn't suggest adjusting it through jQuery settings or directly in the HTML code. My recommendation would be to modify the user style section in the CSS file provided. For example, you can add padding to the #colorbox selector or apply margin to the #cboxContent selector.

Answer №2

From my understanding, accomplishing this task may not be feasible. One solution could involve adjusting the padding for the loaded content. For instance, if your inline content is identified as #content you, you can apply the following code:

<div id="content" style="padding: 20px;">bla bla bla</div>

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