Answer №1

Including the following styles for numberCircle should resolve the issue: position: relative; z-index: 1;

Additionally, set mytasks z-index to 0, like this: zIndex: "0".

Ensure to review the overall style changes made.

    mytasks: {
    color: "white",
    borderColor: "#2D9CDB",
    backgroundColor: "#2D9CDB",
    borderTopRightRadius: "18px",
    borderBottomRightRadius: "18px",
    borderTopLeftRadius: "18px",
    borderBottomLeftRadius: "18px",
    width: "200px",
    marginLeft: "-35px",
    zIndex: "0" /* updated to 0 */
  numberCircle: {
    borderRadius: "50%",
    behavior: "url(" /* Consider removing for compatibility */,
    width: "15px",
    height: "15px",
    padding: "8px",
    background: "white",
    border: "2px solid #2D9CDB",
    color: "#2D9CDB",
    textAlign: "center",
    font: "16px Arial, sans-serif",
    float: "left",
    zIndex: "1",/* new addition */
    position: "relative"/* new addition */

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