The li elements in a horizontal menu all have equal spacing between them, filling the width of the ul

I designed a horizontal menu navigation system using HTML elements ul for the main menu container and li for menu list items. The layout is structured with display table for ul and table-cell for li. However, I encountered an issue where there are inconsistencies in the gaps between words of each menu item due to padding set on the li elements. Removing the padding altogether eliminates the gaps, which is not desirable. My goal is to maintain consistent spacing between words even when there's a line break within an li element, while also ensuring responsive design.

See Demo

CSS Code:

  background-color: #ff2;
  margin: 0px !important;
ul { 
    background-color: #F25800;
    padding: 0 10px;
li { 
    padding: 10px 12px;
  background-color: #64b448;
li a{
li a span{
  font-size: 13px; 
  color: #fff;

HTML Code:

   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kebutuhan Rumah</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kebutuhan Pribadi</span></a>
   // Additional li items...

Answer №1

  background-color: #ff2;
  margin: 0px !important;
ul { 
    background-color: #F25800;
    padding: 0 10px;
li { 
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    flex: 1;
    padding: 10px 12px;
    align-items: center;
    padding: 10px 12px;
  background-color: #64b448;
li a{
li a span{
  font-size: 13px; 
  color: #fff;
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kebutuhan Rumah</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kebutuhan Pribadi</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Makanan & Minuman</span></a> 
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kebutuhan Kantor</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Otomotif</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Listrik & Teknik</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Alat Bangunan</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Elektronik</span></a> 
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Pakaian</span></a> 
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Pecah Belah</span></a>
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Kesehatan</span></a> 
   <li class="ui-menu-item level0 classic parent ">
      <div class="open-children-toggle"></div>
      <a href="" class="level-top"><span>Mainan & Hobi</span></a>

Highlighted changes in the code.

  1. Modified ul's display to use `flexbox` property
  2. Adjusted li elements' display to be `inline-flex`, enabled wrapping, and specified sizing with `flex: 1`. Implemented vertical alignment using `align-items: center`.

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