Generating a dynamic triangle within a div while ensuring it fits perfectly with the maximum width

I need help with creating a responsive triangle on a web page that takes three inputs. The challenge is to adjust the size of the triangle so it fits inside a div element while maintaining the aspect ratio of the inputs. For instance, if the inputs are 500, 500, and 300, I want to scale them down to fit within the designated div section.

Here's the basic setup:

<div id="triangle"></div>

And here's how you can style it with CSS:

#triangle {  
  max-width: 200px;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  margin: 0 auto;

To dynamically create the triangle with jQuery, use the following code snippet:

  "border-left": length1 + "px solid transparent",
  "border-right": length2 + "px solid transparent",
  "border-bottom": length3 + "px solid #2383ea"

Answer №1

Here is one approach to achieve this.

Begin with the provided HTML, which consists of two nested block elements:

<div id="triangle"><div class="inner"></div></div>

along with some basic CSS:

body {
    margin: 0;
#triangle {
    border: 1px dotted gray;
    max-width: 400px;
    margin: 0 auto;
#triangle .inner {
    width: 0;
    height: 0;

Next, utilize the following jQuery/JavaScript code:

var length1 = 1500;
var length2 = 1500;
var length3 = 1500;

var maxWidth = parseInt($("#triangle").css("max-width"));

var baseWidth = Math.min($("#triangle").width(),maxWidth);
var scale = baseWidth/(length1+length2);

$("#triangle .inner").css({
  "border-left": length1*scale + "px solid red",
  "border-right": length2*scale + "px solid green",
  "border-bottom": length3*scale+ "px solid #2383ea"

A demo showcasing this functionality can be viewed at:

Programming Guidelines

The values for length1, length2, and length3 will typically be obtained from a form input or similar source.

Remember that, by default, #triangle will inherit the width of its parent container. If this width is less than the maximum specified width (accessible via the .css function), it should be used instead. The parseInt() function is useful for removing the accompanying px unit.

The base width of the triangle corresponds to length1+length2, so calculate the ratio between the available width and the total specified width.

Normalize the three border widths accordingly to complete the task!

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