Display the current position of the caret in a field that cannot be edited

Can a virtual caret be displayed between two letter boundaries in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, for example in a regular div without using contenteditable=true?

Imagine having the following:

<div>Hello world</div>

If I were to click between the "w" and "o" in "world", is there a way to show a virtual caret so it appears like this:

Hello w][orld

Answer №1

Here is the code snippet in HTML:

<div id="content">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>

And here is the corresponding Javascript code:

var text = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("content").onclick = function() {
    var cursorPosition = window.getSelection().focusOffset;
    document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = text.substr(0, cursorPosition) + "][" + text.substr(cursorPosition);

Answer №2

There are two ways to obtain a character (and its corresponding position) within the text of an element under the mouse cursor. The first method involves enclosing each character in a <span> or another element, and adding a click event handler to the <span> element. The second method utilizes the functionalities of the Range object, which is supported only by pure JavaScript. Personally, I prefer the first approach due to its efficiency. Using the Range method necessitates looping each time a click occurs, potentially leading to performance issues when dealing with large texts. For creating a virtual caret, you can generate an inline-block element and visually represent the caret using techniques like borders with linear-gradient backgrounds or even a transparent PNG image. By adjusting margins (both negative for left and right), you can bring text closer together on both sides. Below is the detailed code:


<div class='inter-letters'>Click on one of the characters ...</div>


.v-caret {
  border-top:1px solid currentColor;
  border-bottom:1px solid currentColor;
  background:linear-gradient(to right, transparent .23em, currentColor .25em, transparent .27em);
  margin:0 -.2em;
.inter-letters {


$('.inter-letters').on('click','span.letter', function(){
          return oldhtml.replace(/./g,"<span class='letter'>$&</span>");
var virtualCaret = $('<div>').addClass('v-caret').appendTo('.inter-letters');
//clicking outside the div should hide the virtual caret
  if(!$('.inter-letters').has(e.target).length) {        


Answer №3

If you utilize a monospace font, it is possible to create a line at a specific location.

Assuming each character is 7 pixels wide

$('#div').click(function (e) { //Calculate mouse position
    var posX = $(this).offset().left; // get click offset
    var caretX = Math.floor(posX/7); // calculate whole characters
    caretX += posX%7 > 7/2 ? 1 : 0; // decide which way to shift if not clicked exactly between two characters

    // Now use caretX as X position for a caretline element to be placed absolutely
  • Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

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