Leveraging $last in Angular for obtaining the final visible element with ng-show

My ng-repeat container div contains multiple images, each with a corresponding div next to it. Using $last, I can make sure only the div of the final image is visible after all images.

However, I also have a filter button on the page that hides certain images when clicked, using ng-show. My issue is that I want the div next to the last visible image to remain shown, even after some images are hidden. It seems like $last doesn't take into account the ng-show/hide value. How can I ensure that the last visible image's div remains visible?

<div class='container' ng-repeat="image in album">
   <div class='wrapper' ng-show="getFilterValue(image.imageId)">
     <div><img src='{{image.src}}'></div>
     <div class='embellish-end' ng-class='{'hidden':!$last}'>The End</div>

I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this problem!

Answer №1

Instead of utilizing ng-show, consider implementing the ng-repeat filter in Angular to achieve the desired outcome. By ensuring that your getFilterValue function returns a boolean, you can effectively filter the ng-repeat based on specific criteria. This way, the $last attribute will accurately determine the last item based on the applied filter.

<div class='container' ng-repeat="item in list | filter:getFilterValue(item.itemId)">
   <div class='wrapper'>
     <div><img src='{{item.src}}'></div>
     <div class='embellish-end' ng-class='{'hidden':!$last}'>The End</div>

Answer №2

Consider applying the ng-show directly on the image element instead of the entire div container:

<div class='content' ng-repeat="item in collection">
  <div class='wrapper'>
    <img ng-show="checkVisibility(item.itemId)" ng-src='{{item.url}}'>
    <div class='end-note' ng-class='{'hidden':!$last}'>The End</div>

On a separate note, it's recommended to use ng-src instead of src for angular-based image sources to prevent potential browser issues.

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