elevate design css/widget/components

I am currently on the lookout for samples of boot strap floating css/widget/parts.

Despite googling with keywords like 'floating / fixed', I have only come across sticky footer and header examples, or some simple panel samples.

By 'floating', I mean that the div stays in the same position on the window regardless of scrolling.

An example would be the airbnb cache panel.

(I apologize that the screenshot is in Japanese)

Answer №1

Within Bootstrap, there are helpful class utilities like navbar-fixed-top and navbar-fixed-bottom designed for specific components, especially a navigation bar, that may require more than just a single line of CSS to achieve a fixed position.

It's important to remember that although Bootstrap offers convenient solutions, at its core, it's simply CSS. So, if you need something to be fixed on your webpage, utilizing plain old position: fixed in your custom CSS will do the trick.

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