The Materialize CSS tabs are aligning vertically below each other, but functioning correctly upon refreshing the page

When using materialize css tabs, all the divs load one below the other on the initial page load.

If I refresh the page, it starts behaving properly.

<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
  <ul class="tabs">
    <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test1">Test 1</a></li>
    <li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#test2">Test 2</a></li>
    <li class="tab col s3 disabled"><a href="#test3">Disabled Tab</a></li>
    <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test4">Test 4</a></li>
<div id="test1" class="col s12">Test 1</div>
<div id="test2" class="col s12">Test 2</div>
<div id="test3" class="col s12">Test 3</div>
<div id="test4" class="col s12">Test 4</div>

This issue occurs initially or after a server restart:


The problem is resolved upon refreshing the page as expected.

I have included all necessary js (jquery and materialize) and css files with tab initialization.

$(window).on("load", function () {

I have also tried:

$(document).ready(function () {

However, the issue persists.

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, please share.

I encounter several issues like this with materialize.

Additionally, I am using react which may be contributing to the problem.

When using react-materialize, I face the following dilemma:

<Tabs className='tab purple darken-4'>
                <div className="container">
                    <Tab title="All">1</Tab>
                    <Tab title="Ongoing" active>2</Tab>
                    <Tab title="Successful">3</Tab>
                    <Tab title="Failed/Warning">4</Tab>

React issue on adding divs

Answer №1

Utilizing the Tabs component in react-materialize involves rendering child components accordingly. However, when all components are wrapped within a single div, it causes the render to break.

To address this issue, you can structure your code like so:

<div className="container">
    <Tabs className='tab purple darken-4'>
        <Tab title="All">1</Tab>
        <Tab title="Ongoing" active>2</Tab>
        <Tab title="Successful">3</Tab>
        <Tab title="Failed/Warning">4</Tab>       


<Tabs className='tab purple darken-4'>
    <Tab title="All">
        <div className="container">
    <Tab title="Ongoing">
        <div className="container">
    <Tab title="Successful">
        <div className="container">
    <Tab title="Failed/Warning">
        <div className="container">

If you wish to customize the appearance of the Tabs or an individual Tab component, you can utilize the className prop as well.

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