Why does the document height appear smaller than the window scroll top value plus the viewport height when I reach the end of the document? Shouldn't they be equal? I've been struggling with this issue for hours and can't seem to figure it out.
vpw = parseFloat($(window).width());
vph = parseFloat($(window).height());
appearh = parseFloat(vph*0.4);
dh = $(document).height();
footerh = $('#footer-area').height();
footTop = dh - footerh;
resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh);
scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
jj = vph + scrollPos;
console.log(scrollPos + '+' + vph + '=' + jj + ' is (at the bottom) ' + dh);
if(scrollPos > appearh){
addWin = parseFloat(dh - vph);
/*console.log( dh + '>' + scrollPos + ';' + addWin );
if(scrollPos >= 1672){
$('#trends').css('position', 'relative');
}else if(scrollPos <= 1672){
$('#trends').css('position', 'fixed');
window.onresize = function(event) {
resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh);
function resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh) {
$("#full-width").css({"height": vph + "px"});