The total height of the document's body in jQuery is not equal to the sum of the viewport height and the window's scroll top position at the bottom of the document

Why does the document height appear smaller than the window scroll top value plus the viewport height when I reach the end of the document? Shouldn't they be equal? I've been struggling with this issue for hours and can't seem to figure it out.

            vpw = parseFloat($(window).width());
            vph = parseFloat($(window).height());
            appearh = parseFloat(vph*0.4);
            dh  = $(document).height();
            footerh = $('#footer-area').height();
            footTop = dh - footerh;
            resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh);

                scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop();
                jj = vph + scrollPos;
                console.log(scrollPos + '+' + vph + '=' + jj + ' is (at the bottom) ' + dh);
                if(scrollPos > appearh){
                    addWin = parseFloat(dh - vph);
                    /*console.log( dh + '>' + scrollPos + ';' + addWin );
                    if(scrollPos >= 1672){
                        $('#trends').css('position', 'relative');
                    }else if(scrollPos <= 1672){
                        $('#trends').css('position', 'fixed');

        window.onresize = function(event) {
            resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh);
        function resizeDiv(vpw, vph, appearh) {
            $("#full-width").css({"height": vph + "px"});

Answer №1

Here's a suggestion for you to try out:

     let windowWidth = parseFloat($(window).width());
         let windowHeight = parseFloat($(window).height());
         let appearHeight = parseFloat(windowHeight*0.4);
         let documentHeight  = $(document).height();
         let footerHeight = $('#footer-area').height();
         let footerTop = documentHeight - footerHeight;
         resizeDiv(windowWidth, windowHeight, appearHeight);
         let scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
         let totalHeight = windowHeight + scrollPosition;
         console.log(scrollPosition + '+' + windowHeight + '=' + totalHeight + ' is (at the bottom) ' + documentHeight);

The idea here is to update your variables as you scroll through the page.

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