Validating SASS based on class name

Hi there, I am fairly new to SASS and do not consider myself a programming expert.

I have ten aside elements that each need different background colors depending on their class name.

Even after going through the SASS documentation, I am still unable to figure it out.

I would like to set up a condition where if an aside has a class name of x, then the background color should be x. If the aside has a class name of y, then the background color should be y, and so on.

Is there a more efficient and elegant way to achieve this?

Thank you all in advance, and I apologize if this is a straightforward question.

Answer №1

If you are working with colors that do not have traditional names (or if the class name does not directly correspond to a color, for example products = blue, addresses = red), using a list of lists is the way to go:

    ( black #000
    , white #FFF
    , red #F00
    , green #0F0
    , blue #00F

@each $i in $colors {
    aside.#{nth($i, 1)} {
        background: nth($i, 2);

Output: {
  background: black; }

aside.white {
  background: white; } {
  background: red; } {
  background: lime; } {
  background: blue; }

If you are using colors with standard keywords, you can try this approach:

$colors2: black, white, red, green, blue;

@each $i in $colors2 {
    aside.#{$i} { background: $i; }

Output (note that this seems to work best with --style debug, as using --style compress may generate errors): {
  background: black; }

aside.white {
  background: white; } {
  background: red; } {
  background: green; } {
  background: blue; }

Answer №2

The decision really comes down to your preference for typing. One option is to create a mixin for the background and then include it within the CSS rule for aside, but do you really need to go to that extra effort?

If you do feel it's necessary...

@mixin background($color) {
    background: $color;

aside#foo {
    @include background(#fff);

Answer №3

The concept of changing the background color based on the class name in HTML can be achieved using CSS like this:

aside.x {background-color: x}
aside.y {background-color: y}

Have you considered using SASS for this purpose? Perhaps you want to make the design more dynamic by easily adding new classes without updating the CSS manually in the future. However, it's important to note that SASS compiles into static CSS and doesn't offer dynamic changes.

If you really need the functionality to dynamically apply background colors based on class names, using JavaScript (jQuery) may be a solution:

$('aside').each(function () {
    $(this).css('background-color', $(this).attr('class'));

Alternatively, utilizing loops in SASS could generate multiple classes with corresponding background colors if needed.

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