What is the method for customizing the hover color in a mantine.ui menu?

I've been attempting to modify the menu color when hovering over it, but unfortunately, it's not working. Could anyone provide guidance on how to change the hover color in mantine.ui menu?

Answer №1

If you have a grasp on Theming, understanding it shouldn't be too difficult.

<MantineProvider theme={{
      components: {
        Button: {
          // Customize styles based on theme and component parameters
          styles: (theme, params) => ({
            root: {
                params.variant === 'filled'
                  ? theme.colors[params.color || theme.primaryColor][9]
                  : undefined,
              '&:hover': { backgroundColor: params.variant === 'filled'
    <Button> On hover, my color is #ddd. </Button>

I'm not sure which menu you're referring to, but here's an example using the button component. You can customize the style for all buttons through the theme.

Answer №2

I am currently utilizing styled components from @emotion/styled.

In this demonstration, I will illustrate how to modify the background color and text color when hovering over the Button component.

import styled from "@emotion/styled";
import {Button as MantineButton} from "@mantine/core"

const Button = styled(MantineButton)`
&:hover {
  color: red;
  background-color: blue;

export default function CustomizedButton() {
  return <Button>Hover me!</Button>

I believe that the Menu component can be styled in a similar manner. For more details, feel free to refer to this resource: Styled Components

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