The CSS 'top' attribute is without impact

As I begin my journey with CSS, I am eager to grasp some of its behaviors.

In the CSS file, the following code is defined:

#spa {
position : absolute;
top      : 8px;
left     : 8px;
bottom   : 8px;
right    : 8px;

min-height : 500px;
min-width  : 500px;
overflow   : hidden;

background-color : #fff;
border-radius    : 0 8px 0 8px;

.spa-shell-head {
  top    : 0;
  left   : 0;
  right  : 0;
  height : 40px;
.spa-shell-head-logo {
  **top        : 4px;
  left       : 4px;**
  height     : 32px;
  width      : 128px;
  background : orange;

.spa-shell-head-acct {
  **top        : 4px;
  right      : 0;**
  width      : 64px;
  height     : 32px;
  background : green;

The HTML file contains the following code:

  <div id="spa">
    <div class="spa-shell-head">
      <div class="spa-shell-head-logo"></div>
      <div class="spa-shell-head-acct"></div>
      <div class="spa-shell-head-search"></div>
    <div class="spa-shell-main">
      <div class="spa-shell-main-nav"></div>
      <div class="spa-shell-main-content"></div>
    <div class="spa-shell-foot"></div>
    <div class="spa-shell-chat"></div>
    <div class="spa-shell-modal"></div>

I am puzzled as to why changing the bold properties in the CSS code does not reflect on the elements themselves, especially the background color I have set for them.

For the full code, you can visit:

Answer №1

Neither the .spa-shell-head-logo nor the .spa-shell-head-acct divs are positioned, which is why the CSS properties like top, right, bottom, and left are not having any effect on them.

These positioning properties only work on elements that have a position value other than the default static. You can try giving them a position of relative to observe the changes - check out this Example.

Answer №2

The functionality of the Top, Left, Bottom, and Right properties varies depending on the position assigned. These properties work effectively when combined with either absolute or fixed positioning.

Answer №3

To effectively utilize the properties of top, left, right, and bottom, it is essential to declare the positions of the elements as either absolute or fixed. Otherwise, margining will be necessary for proper alignment.

Additionally, keeping all CSS in one place is recommended to avoid confusion as you add more styles to your project. Consolidating your styles can greatly simplify maintenance and updates.

We hope this information proves helpful for your design process.

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