Issues have been reported with Angular 10's router and anchorScrolling feature when used within a div that is positioned absolutely and has overflow set

I feel like I may be doing something incorrectly, but I can't quite pinpoint the issue. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

My current setup involves Angular 10 and I have activated anchorScrolling in the app-routing.module file.

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'docs', component: DocsComponent }

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
    useHash: true,
    anchorScrolling: 'enabled'
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Everything works perfectly fine as long as the container for the jump-sections (sections with #id where scrolling is desired) does not have the overflow:auto property set. However, if I do set the overflow:auto property, then the scrolling stops working through anchorScrolling. Manual scrolling or typing the URL with the fragment still works though.

To demonstrate this issue, I have created a StackBlitz project.

Check out the StackBlitz project here

If you add


to the


class in the hello.component.css file, you will notice that the section links at the top no longer trigger scrolling even though the URL updates correctly with the route#fragment.

Is this behavior expected?

Answer №1

I spent several minutes trying to understand the issue at hand. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite grasp it, but I did manage to achieve what I believe was your original goal.

In my modifications (specifically in hello.component.css), I made the following changes:

  border:2px solid rebeccapurple;

I eliminated the height specification that was previously set for the 'absolute' value in the position property. Furthermore, I switched the position property's value to 'relative'.

Initially, setting the position as 'absolute' seemed to work fine. However, once width and height values were applied, the functionality would cease to operate.

Answer №2

Based on information provided in this response, I have developed a solution that eliminates the need for fragments while still functioning effectively.

To implement this solution, you will need to modify your a elements as shown below:

<a (click)="toSection('1')">Section 1</a>
. Ensure to update the section number accordingly for each respective section.

In addition, include the following method in your component:

toSection(section: string){
  const elem = document.getElementById("section-"+section);
  const topPos = elem.offsetTop
  document.getElementById('sections').scrollTo({top:topPos-10, behavior:'smooth'})

The adjustment of topPos-10 enhances the visual appeal by preventing the div from being directly aligned with the section title.

Note: This approach offers the benefit of not appending #section to your URL.

For a live example, refer to the stackblitz link here.

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