Organizing grid elements within the popper component

I am struggling to align the labels of options in the AutoComplete component with their respective column headers in the popper component:

        const CustomPopper = function (props: PopperProps) {
            const { children, } = props;
            return (
                <Popper {} placement="bottom-start">
                    <Box sx={{
                        display: 'grid',
                        gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(4, 1fr)',
                        gap: 1,
                        gridTemplateRows: 'auto',
                        gridTemplateAreas: `"date order name items"
                        "date order name items"`,

                        <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'date' }}><Typography>Created Date</Typography></Box>
                        <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'order' }}><Typography>Order</Typography></Box>
                        <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'name' }}><Typography>Name (email/phone)</Typography></Box>
                        <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'items' }}><Typography>Items</Typography></Box>

                renderOption={(props, option: any) => {
                    return (
                        <li {...props} key={} >
                            <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'items' }}>{convertToDateTime(option.createdtime).toFormat('d MMM HH:mm')}</Box>
                            <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'order' }}>{option.order}</Box>
                            <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'name' }}>{} ({}/{})</Box>
                            <Box sx={{ gridArea: 'date' }}>{option.itemlist}</Box>



Answer №1

Transform every value into its own element and designate a specific max-width and min-width for each value to ensure proper alignment.

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