In the IE7 standards mode, table cells with no content will have a height of 1px

When utilizing IE7 standards mode within IE9, empty table cells are automatically assigned a height of 1px. As a result, elements positioned beneath the table appear lower on the page than intended. To view an example of this issue, refer to the code provided in the following JSFiddle link:

Is there a method to adjust the height of empty table cells to 0px in IE7 standards mode?

I am seeking a solution using HTML/CSS only, without resorting to JavaScript. Simply eliminating the empty cells is not a viable option. Thank you!

<!-- DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" -->
    <html xmlns="">
            <title>IE7 Empty Cell Bug?</title>
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    <tr><td /></tr>
                    // Additional table rows and cells here
            This content should be positioned at the top of the page, yet it appears differently when viewed in IE9 with IE7 standards mode enabled.

Answer №1

To make the cell heights precisely zero, set them explicitly:

td { height: 0; }

Answer №2

To implement browser-specific styling, you can utilize CSS in the following manner:

*margin-top:-30px; /* Specifically for IE 7 and older versions */

Answer №3

Dealing with the same issue, I ended up resorting to a temporary fix by inserting


However, it turned out to be more of a makeshift remedy rather than a proper solution.

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