I am facing an issue with the Home section in the navbar. It used to work perfectly, but suddenly it stopped displaying as intended. I have checked and confirmed that both boostrap.min.js and boostrap.min.css are loaded properly.
I have included bootstrap.min.js in the vendor folder along with boostrap.min.css. They are also included in application.css and application.js. My config.assets.enabled is set to true, as setting it to false results in no css or js being loaded. I believe this issue is related to the asset pipeline, but despite trying various solutions, nothing seems to fix it.
I installed bootstrap without using a gem by manually downloading the files and placing them in the vendor folder. As a newcomer to Ruby on Rails, I may have missed something important.
Below is my _navbar.html.haml file, which was previously working fine. Hence, I don't think the problem lies there.
%nav.navbar.navbar-default{role: "navigation"}
/ Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display
%button.navbar-toggle{"data-target" => ".navbar-collapse", "data-toggle" => "collapse", type: "button"}
%span.sr-only Toggle navigation
=link_to "Home", root_path, :class => "navbar-brand"
/ Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling
- if current_user.admin?
%li{:class => (current_page?(users_path)? "active" : "")}
=link_to "Users", users_path
%li{:class => (current_page?(member_emails_path)? "active" : "")}
=link_to "Member Emails", member_emails_path
%li{:class => (current_page?(class_names_path)? "active" : "")}
=link_to "Classes", class_names_path
%li{:class => (current_page?(class_test_names_path)? "active" : "")}
=link_to "Test Categories", class_test_names_path
%li{:class => (current_page?(test_entries_path)? "active" : "")}
=link_to "Test Entry", test_entries_path
=link_to "Sign Out", destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete