Identify specific elements using CSS to easily target them with JavaScript later on

Currently, I am utilizing CSS selectors to target specific elements and now I want to be able to identify those elements using javascript. My approach involves setting the color of these elements in css and then retrieving them based on their color. However, an issue arises as style.backgroundColor only returns the color if an inline style is applied.

To see my attempt in action, you can check out this demo here.

The CSS I used is as follows:

div{background-color: lightgrey;}

And for the JavaScript part:


I am currently looking for a solution to make color detection work without relying on inline styles or maybe someone has a better suggestion on how to identify affected elements by CSS selectors. It's worth noting that I would like to avoid using jQuery for this task.

Answer №1 is limited to returning inline style declarations or those added in JS using['foo'] = "bar". Keep in mind that CSS declarations with !important can override inline styles, and multiple CSS declarations may overwrite each other based on selector precedence rules.

To accurately determine the applied rule, use the getComputedStyle method:


MDN provides more information on getComputedStyle

If you aim to select elements by background color, consider obtaining a collection of elements and filtering them by computed style value:


p:nth-child(2n) {


var getElementsByBackgroundColor = function( collection, color ){
    // convert the color string to browser format
    var div = document.createElement('div'); = color;
    var computedColor =;

    // compare computed background color and return matching elements
    return [] collection ).filter( function( item ){
       return window.getComputedStyle( item )['background-color'] == computedColor;
console.log( getElementsByBackgroundColor( document.querySelectorAll('p'), 'lightgrey') );

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