What steps can I take to avoid scaffold.css from taking precedence over my custom CSS?

I'm having trouble with this. It seems like a small issue, but I'm still very new to learning about rails.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


To resolve the problem, I accessed the file responsible for adding headers to my pages and updated the linked css file to my custom one.

Answer №1

In Rails 3.1, the process is slightly different as only the application style is automatically included.

If you need to include additional stylesheets, you can refer to this list of included ones mentioned here: Rails 3.1 Load css in particular order. Simply adjust the order of the list or insert the file at a specific position as needed.

Answer №2

Is there a way to implement Rails scaffold without including the scaffold.css file?

Check out this discussion on Stack Overflow for more information!

Answer №3

While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing CSS code, one handy trick is to use '!important' after a statement to override all other 'normal' CSS statements. For example:

border: 0px !important;

This can be quite useful when you need to ensure that a specific style takes precedence in your CSS.

Answer №4

For optimal results, ensure that the CSS file containing the desired styling is loaded last.

If changing the order of CSS files is not possible, consider using the !important declaration as suggested by some experts.

body {

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