Identify the CSS Framework being used in conjunction with Selenium

I have developed a program that crawls through various web pages and conducts tests using Selenium. My current task is to identify which CSS Frameworks are utilized on these websites for statistical analysis. Currently, I am using the FireFox Webdriver to check if there are any .css files linked in the page with specific framework names:

Iterator<WebElement> divWebElementIteratorCSS = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath("//link[@rel='stylesheet']")).iterator();

After locating the .css files, I then verify if the name of the file contains one of the CSS Frameworks I intend to analyze:

if ( src.contains( frameWorkName ) && cssFrameWorks.get( frameWorkName ) == false ) {
    result.addAttribute("Framework", "STRING", frameWorkName);
    result.setPercent( 100 );
    result.setSuccessful( true );
    cssFrameWorks.put( frameWorkName, true );

The HashMap 'frameWorkName' stores all the relevant framework names.

However, I am facing an issue: If the site administrator changes the name of the framework's .css file, my test fails! Is there a foolproof method to address this, ensuring that the test works regardless of the filename?

Answer №1

I believe @AaronDigulla's response is quite straightforward.

Another approach that comes to mind is while cycling through those items, perform a GET request on the css file, followed by a brief review of the introductory documentation. For instance, a CSS file could include...

/*  Custom CSS Framework Version X.X
 *  Created by: An Individual
 *  License:
 *    A lengthy license agreement

This method could help address any concerns regarding changes in file names.

Answer №2

There is no foolproof method for identifying the specific CSS or JavaScript frameworks utilized by a website.

If you're fortunate, administrators may utilize global URLs like those provided by jQuery's CDN links.

If individuals start renaming files, one option is to download the CSS file and create a checksum in an attempt to identify it.

However, this approach can be unsuccessful if people frequently change these files—some frameworks, such as wro4j, automatically compile all JavaScript and CSS assets into a single large file.

It is important to question why knowing this information is necessary. Instead of focusing on identifying frameworks and versions, consider examining the actual CSS styles being applied, as they could impact your testing process.

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