Utilizing CSS classes to style custom day templates in ng-bootstraps datepicker

Currently, I am utilizing ng-bootstraps datepicker to showcase user data on a daily basis. I have implemented a custom day template to apply specific CSS classes.

<ng-template #customDay let-date>
    {{ date.day }}

However, the issue is that this method is called multiple times for each day, which is not the most efficient way to handle it. Is there a way to apply a CSS class to every day just once during the rendering of the datepicker, rather than every time I interact with it?

Answer №1

When looking to customize a template for special days, there are two approaches you can take:

  1. Utilize [ngClass] or [class.myClass]="function(date)" as specified
  2. Utilize DayTemplateData (refer to the documentation)

The documentation may not be very clear. The concept is to create a function, for example:

  data=(date: NgbDate, current?: {year: number, month: number})=>
    //note that in addition to the "date", there is also an object
    //current with two properties: "year" and "month" that are being displayed

    return this.calendar.getWeekday(date)>=6?'square':null

Then you would use:

<input class="form-control" [dayTemplateData]="data"
             [dayTemplate]="customDay" ...>

Your template day would then utilize the "data" by using let-data=data

<ng-template #customDay let-date let-data="data" ...>
  <span class="custom-day" [ngClass]="data" ...>
    {{ date.day }}

If you only want to apply a single class, your function can return true or null and utilize [class.myClass]="data"

In the stackblitz example, both approaches are showcased using two counters to demonstrate the differences.

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