Updating the contents of one specific div without affecting all other divs with the same class

Below is the HTML code snippet in question:

<a class="btn test-btn test-btn-1">
  <span>Content 1</span>

This particular code block appears multiple times on the page. The number at the end of test-btn- is dynamically generated, so it could vary from 1 to 200.

Upon clicking the button, an AJAX function is triggered which adds a new class called test-btn-clicked to the a tag. Once the process is complete, I aim to update the content within the span element to display a different message.

I have attempted several methods to achieve this, but the issue I'm facing is that every button's content gets updated, instead of just the one I clicked.

Can anyone provide guidance on how to approach this problem?

Answer №1

To ensure you target only the current element that was clicked, it is important to note that $(this) may not be accessible within an ajax call due to a change in context from the clicked element to the ajax call itself. To work around this, define the context of the current element before making the ajax call and then utilize that reference to update the clicked element. Here is an example code snippet:

 var that = this;
    url: '#',
    success: function (result) {
      $(that).find('span').text("new span text here");

Answer №2

If this function is what initiates the ajax call:

$('.btn').on('click', function() {
   var $this = $(this);
     url: "test.html"
   }).done(function(data) {

Answer №3

make sure to utilize this in this manner:

$('.test-btn').click(function(){ //
    // insert your code here
    $(this).find('span').text('some text');

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