Verify whether a div element is styled in a specific manner

Upon initial load of my website, if the page is maximized or in fullscreen mode, the comBrand div will have specific CSS properties applied. However, during a resize event, I use the .css() function to adjust the properties of this element so it doesn't overlap with other screen elements. In some cases, after resizing and then maximizing the window again, the div might end up in the wrong position due to the resize function.

I am trying to prevent this issue by checking for certain conditions during the resize event. Unfortunately, the syntax I'm using to check for the style attribute of the div doesn't seem to work as expected.

$(window).resize(function() {

// Check
  if ( $('#comBrand').css('top') == '155px')
    // Additional check for incorrect positioning when window is not maximized
    if ( ($('#comBrand').attr('style') == 'top: 155px;margin-left: -615px;left: 50%;') && (window.screen.width > window.screen.availWidth))
    $('#comBrand').css({'top': '155px', 'margin-left': '-615px', 'left': '50%'});
    $('#comBrand').css({'top': '141px', 'margin-left': '0', 'left': '0'});
  $('#comBrand').css({'top': '155px', 'margin-left': '-615px', 'left': '50%'});


Although it may be a bit confusing and unconventional, I still hope to make it functional.

I attempted to add two classes and manually set the class of comBrand to 'maximized' in the HTML code. However, the code within the resize function did not produce the desired outcome...

$(window).resize(function() {   

  if ($('#comBrand').hasClass('maximized'))

  else {


Answer №2

Despite the accuracy of Apul's response, it fails to address the original inquiry. To tackle this issue, consider implementing the subsequent solution:

let divStyles = $('#myDiv').attr('style').split(';');
let stylesKeyValue = {};
divStyles.forEach(function(attribute) {
    stylesKeyValue[attribute.split(':')[0]] = attribute.split(':')[1];

This method would function effectively with a scenario such as:

<div id="myDiv" style="border: 2px solid black;background-color:purple;"></div>

Subsequently, you can verify values using:

console.log(stylesKeyValue['background-color'] == 'purple');

Answer №3

As mentioned by Apul Gupta, the recommended approach is to add and remove classes. Here are a couple of classes you can set up:


top: 155px;
margin-left -615px;
margin-left: 0;

Then, update your logic like this:

if (!$('#comBrand').hasClass('FirstClass') && (window.screen.width > window.screen.availWidth)){
    else {

The initial nested if statement was redundant as it checked for CSS X and then applied CSS X. Hence, it has been removed.

Although your if/else logic may be a bit confusing and not optimized, the above changes should guide you in the right direction.

Answer №4

When looking at this specific section, it's crucial to consider the uncertainty of the string format. It's advisable to compare individual elements using .css('') as a safeguard.

$('#comBrand').attr('style') == 'top: 155px;margin-left: -615px;left: 50%;'

Following the recommendations provided by others, switching to CSS classes instead of the style attribute would be a better approach.

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