Using jQuery to drag a div and drop it to swap out an image in a different

I am looking to implement a drag and drop function where I can move elements from one div to another, each containing different images. However, I want the image displayed in the second div to change based on the element being dragged.

For example: When dragging #element1 into the images's div, I want to display the image with .element1 class and hide the image with .element2 class.

<div id="element1"></div>
<div id="element2"></div>

<div id="images">
<img class="element1" src="1.jpg" />
<img class="element2" src="2.jpg" />

Is this possible? I came across a method using jQuery for changing background images but I need it for actual img tags.

I tried implementing it here:

If anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

Answer №1

Make sure to include the jquery and jquery-ui library either in the head section of your HTML or right before closing the body tag.

  drop: function(e, ui) {
    if((ui.draggable.attr("id")) == 'element1'){
    }else if((ui.draggable.attr("id")) == 'element2'){

Check out the DEMO here

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