Can you explain the distinction between Declared Values and Specified Values?

I found myself confused by the distinction between Declared Values and Specified Values.

Initially, I believed that the Declared Values were set by the author.

These values then filter down to a single value, known as the "winning value", which becomes the Cascaded Value.

However, the specification later defines the Specified Values.

The specified value is the intended value of a property for an element according to the style sheet authors.

This led me to question whether Declared Values represent default values for elements. If so, there should only be one default value, but it seems that multiple values and cascading rules are applied to determine the final "winning value."

Answer №1

To better understand, let's consider a simple example. Imagine we have the following HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My demo</title>
  #foo { color:orange }
  .content { color:red }
  div { color:blue }
<div class="content">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>

In this scenario, there are three rules to consider.

#foo { color:orange }

This rule does not affect our div as it lacks the id "foo". The color property value of orange is not assigned to our div.

.content { color:red }

This rule impacts our div because it possesses the class "content". The color property value of red is specified for our div.

div { color:blue }

Similarly, this rule applies to our div since it is a div element. The color property value of blue is also set for our div.

Following this, the cascade comes into play. With both declarations having equal origin and importance, specificity helps in deciding. The rule .content { color:red } has higher specificity, hence providing the ultimately selected value.

As a result, the color property of our div is defined with the value red.

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