Monitoring changes within the browser width with Angular 2 to automatically refresh the model

One of the challenges I faced in my Angular 2 application was implementing responsive design by adjusting styles based on browser window width. Below is a snippet of SCSS code showing how I achieved this:

    /*styles for narrow screens*/
    @media (max-width: 750px){
    /*styles for medium screens*/
    @media (min-width: 751px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
    /*styles for wide screens*/
    @media (min-width: 1201px) {

To make it easier for Angular components to respond accordingly, I created a function that determines the current width interval based on pixel values:

/* Returns which of the CSS width intervals is current*/
    let pixelWidth = ...; //what goes here?

    if(pixelWidth < 251) return "small";
    if(pixelWidth < 451) return "medium";
    return "large"; 

Each component can use this function to adjust its behavior. For example, a template might display different content based on the screen width:

    {{getWidthRange()==='small'? shortText : longText}}

In addition to this, I wanted to set up an Observable that notifies components when the browser transitions between different width ranges:

widthRangeChanges = Observable.create( observer => 
        // ? how to detect when width changes
        let oldRange = '...';
        let newRange = '...';
).share(); //all subscribers share same output channel

This way, components can subscribe to widthRangeChanges and update their model values accordingly. Implementing this in Angular 2 rc-6 with typescript 2.0.2 and rxjs 5 beta 11 was indeed challenging, but worth the effort.

Answer №1

To monitor window resizing events and get the client width using RxJS, you can utilize the fromEvent operator:

 const $resizeStream = Observable.fromEvent(window, 'resize')
   .map(() => {
     return document.documentElement.clientWidth;

   $resizeStream.subscribe(data => {
     this.width = data;

Check out this Plunker Example for demonstration

Answer №2

Customized Template

<div (window:resize)="onResize($event)"></div>

export class ResizableComponent {            
      onResize(event) {
        console.log("Event details:");
        console.log("width:" +;
        console.log("height:" +;

        this.pixelWidth =;

         if(this.pixelWidth < 251) return "small";
         if(this.pixelWidth < 451) return "medium";
         return "large"; 

Answer №3

calculateWidth() {
    return Math.max(

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