Chrome method for creating Flexbox columns of equal height

I am implementing a simple 2-column layout and I want to utilize Flexbox to ensure equal heights for the columns:


<div class="row flex">
    <!-- menu -->
    <div class="col-xs-4">
            Menu content will be placed here
    <!-- content -->
    <div class="col-xs-8">
        <p>Content text goes here with some lorem ipsum...</p>


body { color: red; }
.flex { display: flex; }
aside { background: #000; height: 100%; }

The layout works in Firefox but encounters issues in Chrome. You can view the Fiddle here.

I have attempted various solutions, including adding vendor prefixes, but the problem persists.

Answer №1

When using Flexbox to create two equal columns:

  • Set the parent container to display: flex

  • Create each column with a div and give them flex: 1 to grow or shrink

To make the child of the first column stretch:

  • Also apply display: flex to the first column so its children can have flex properties to grow

  • Assign flex: 1 to the aside child for it to grow or shrink

Here is a simple guide on Flexbox.

Flexbox Compatibility: Works on IE11+ and all modern browsers.


Using Bootstrap: Check out this updated fiddle from your comment. The 1px left gap has been removed by using

div.flex.row:before, div.flex.row:after { display: none }

Related answer: How to remove 1px gap in Chrome when using display:flex

I have simplified unnecessary classes for this example. Currently, both columns have heights based on the tallest one. You could opt to fill the entire page height by adding height: 100vh to the flex container — learn more about viewport units here.

Viewport Units Compatibility: Viewport Units are widely supported.

To adjust a column's width, change its flex value. In this example, I set the second column to flex: 3 to make it wider.

body {
  color: red;
  margin: 0;
.flex {
  display: flex;
  /*To make columns span full height of page, use:
  height: 100vh;*/
.column {
  flex: 1;
.column:first-child {
  display: flex;
.column:last-of-type {
  background: #000;
  flex: 3;
aside {
  flex: 1;
  background: #F90;
<div class="flex">
  <!-- menu -->
  <div class="column">
      Menu content
  <!-- content -->
  <div class="column">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac elementum justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus nec elementum erat. Suspendisse consequat ut metus ut cursus.
      Aenean et lectus id libero venenatis varius. Vivamus luctus ligula sit amet faucibus vulputate. Vestibulum tincidunt fringilla mauris, a vulputate magna egestas nec. Vivamus a odio ut nibh viverra fermentum.</p>
    <p>Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque nec libero leo. Duis porta ut neque vulputate blandit. In vel quam eu eros finibus feugiat ut in nulla. Morbi congue, tellus commodo euismod pulvinar, lacus dui fringilla lectus, in tempus mi nulla semper ex. Integer feugiat,
      lectus a facilisis rutrum, ex magna tincidunt ligula, in suscipit turpis lorem quis neque. Suspendisse dictum, nulla at aliquet cursus, magna tellus mattis purus, nec volutpat mauris nunc non neque. Mauris pretium mauris sed eros interdum lobortis.
      Aenean id vestibulum nisl. Praesent sit amet tempor nulla, consequat viverra ante. Maecenas eu pretium lacus, a consectetur sem. Proin viverra eget turpis eu condimentum. Donec et egestas enim. Maecenas fermentum auctor ligula, nec fringilla mi.
      Quisque hendrerit purus eget urna semper sodales.</p>


Answer №2

My solution incorporates Modernizr and jQuery, along with the Equalize plugin.

Check out my implementation here:

This is how it works in action:

if ($().equalize) { // ensure plugin is loaded
    $(window).on("resize", function () {
        ("(min-width: 768px)")) // if viewport is tablet or desktop size...
        ? $('.row').equalize({reset: true}) // equalize columns
        : $('.row > div').css({'height': 'auto'}); // reset to original height for smartphones
    }).resize(); // trigger resize on page load as well

When the window is resized (or on initial load), Modernizr determines if the viewport width exceeds 768px (tablet/desktop): if yes, jQuery equalizes columns; if not (smartphones), heights are restored to default.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a straightforward way to achieve this using CSS3 flexbox alone.

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