Utilizing Capture Groups in CSS File for Regex Search and Replace

When it comes to extracting critical styles from a CSS file wrapped in a @critical rule, I run into some issues:

@critical {

    .foo {

    @media bar {

The command I'm using for extraction involves sed search and replace with the following regex (using -E flag on Mac):

sed -i '' -E 's,@critical[^{]*{\s*((.|\s)*)[^}]*},\1,g' style.css

However, while the regex itself works fine when tested on RegExr, it doesn't seem to work within the sed command. What could be the issue here?

Thank you for your help!



Upon further research, I discovered that sed does not support multiline regex, which explains my problem. While minifying the CSS allows the command to work, I am still looking for a solution that can handle non-minified multiline CSS files (perhaps perl? awk?).

Answer №1

If you prefer using perl, you can give this a try:

perl -0777 -i.bak -pe 's,\@important[^{]*{\s*((.|\s)*)[^}]*},$1,g' design.css

After running this command, your design.css file will be transformed into:

.header {

    @media screen {

  • The -0777 option instructs perl to read the entire file as one string, allowing the regex to match across multiple lines.
  • Using -i.bak will edit the file in-place while keeping a backup with a .bak extension. If you don't need a backup, simply use -i.
  • The regex pattern used is very similar to yours, just note the backslash before the at-sign to prevent interpretation as an array variable name. Also, replace \1 with $1 in the replacement for compatibility with perl.

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