Angular's table data display feature is unfortunately lacking

Below is a simple HTML code snippet:

<div class="dialogs">
  <div id="wrapper" >
        <ng-container *ngFor="let one of contacts">
          <p>{{one.NickName | json }}</p>

In this code, I am trying to display the output of a function and each nickname from the data table.

Here is the typescript file:

  selector: 'app-get-chat',
  templateUrl: './get-chat.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./get-chat.component.scss'],
export class GetChatComponent implements OnInit {
  contacts: Contact[];
  constructor(private contactService: ContactService) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.contactService.getAll().subscribe((_) => {
      this.contacts = _;

The function being used:

  createTestingConstant(): bigInt.BigInteger {
    return bigInt(1);

Contact service:

  providedIn: 'root',
export class ContactService {
  private url = environment.apiUrl + '/contact';

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  public getAll(): Observable<Contact[]> {
    return this.http.get<Contact[]>(this.url);

  public create(request: CreateContactRequest): Observable<void> {
    return<void>(this.url, request);

The resulting view:

However, simplifying the code doesn't yield the expected result:

<div class="dialogs">
  <div id="wrapper" >
        <ng-container *ngFor="let one of contacts">
          <p>{{one | json }}</p>

The actual outcome can be seen here:

Question: Why am I unable to retrieve the `NickName` attribute individually, and how should I approach displaying only that specific attribute?

Thank you for any assistance.

P.S.: Additional Information about the Contact interface

import * as bigInt from "big-integer";

export interface Contact {
    ContactID: bigInt.BigInteger;
    ContactLogin: string;
    NickName: string;
    Pass: string;
    ProfilePhotoPath: string;
    PhoneNumber: string;

Answer №1

There seems to be a typo in the nickName field

<div class="dialogs">
  <div id="wrapper" >
        <ng-container *ngFor="let one of contacts">
          <p>{{one.nickName | json }}</p>

Answer №2

After some revisions, I have updated the Contact interface and it appears to be working well:

export interface Contact {
    contactID: bigInt.BigInteger;
    contactLogin: string;
    nickName: string;
    pass: string;
    profilePhotoPath: string;
    phoneNumber: string;

I have changed uppercase letters to lowercase, but incorporating C# convention is still a mystery to me.

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