How can you use ng-click to disable a div in AngularJS?

I'm looking to dynamically disable a div in AngularJS based on a certain condition. I know I can achieve this by adjusting the CSS (such as reducing contrast and color) but the div also has an ng-click property that I want to prevent from being triggered. How can I accomplish this?

Below is the code snippet I am working with:

<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-click="goToFunction()" ng-disabled="true">

Answer №1

It's important to note that ng-disabled does not work for div elements; it is meant for HTML elements that support the disable property, such as input tags. Learn more about ngDisabled here.

If you're looking for a way to achieve similar functionality with a div element, I have created a simple demonstration on JSFiddle: Check it out here.

function MyCtrl($scope, $templateCache) {
    $scope.isDisabled = false;
    $scope.alertMe = function(){
        if($scope.isDisabled === true){
        // Disable the function
        $scope.isDisabled = true;


Answer №2

If you want to achieve this functionality, you can implement it in the controller like so:

<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-click="goToFunction(item)" ng-disabled="true">

Then, in the controller itself:

 function goToFunction(item){
   if(item.condition == disable){
      return false
   else {

          // perform necessary actions

Answer №3

To disable the ng-click feature based on a condition, you can achieve it as follows:

<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-disabled="item.condition" ng-click="goToFunction(item)">

$scope.goToFunction = function(item){
  if(item.condition == false){
    // Do nothing
    // Perform action

In this case, when the div is disabled, the click functionality will not work, otherwise it will.

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