Issue with Jquery's .addClass and .removeClass functions

I'm having trouble implementing a dynamic menu on my webpage using jQuery. I've tried writing the code myself but it doesn't seem to be working as expected.

The structure involves three classes: .dead, which sets display: none; in CSS, .header-main, representing one div, and .header-main-menu, which should appear when a button is clicked.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var trigger = $('a.header-main'),
    var mainstuff = $('.header-main'),
    var menustuff = $('.header-main-menu');

    function buttonSwitch() {
        menustuff.removeClass('.dead'); () {

Despite my efforts, the button doesn't trigger any action. As I am new to jQuery, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thank you for your help! :)

Answer №1

When using the addClass() or removeClass() (or toggleClass()) methods, you should not include a dot before the class name.


Additionally, when selecting elements, decide whether you want to end every line or chain selections together. If chaining, do not use var again.

For example:

var trigger = $('a.header-main'),
mainstuff = $('.header-main'),
menustuff = $('.header-main-menu');

Or separately:

var trigger = $('a.header-main');
var mainstuff = $('.header-main');
var menustuff = $('.header-main-menu');

If your trigger selector does not match anything in your HTML, make sure to fix it using something like $('.main-button > a'). And consider using Codepen or a similar platform if you want to showcase HTML, CSS, and JS code simultaneously.

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