Enhancing the appearance of dropdown menus for WooCommerce Variable products with custom CSS styling

I currently have a Wordpress website with WooCommerce and several variable products. Each product's variation has a dropdown menu that displays different options when clicked.

My main concern is how to customize the appearance of these dropdown menus. I've been able to modify the font color and size, but I'm struggling with changing the background color, padding between text, etc.


Here is an example link for reference.

PS: I am using the 'Elementor Pro' plugin along with the 'Hello Elementor Basic theme' to edit my pages and add custom CSS.

PPS: I have tried looking for solutions elsewhere, but all suggestions point towards AJAX and .select2 CSS, which I cannot find when inspecting my page or adding the code to my CSS.

Apologies if the solution is straightforward and I am overlooking it, but I would greatly appreciate being able to style the dropdown menus to match my site's design aesthetic.

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the native dropdown select, a combination of CSS and JavaScript can help achieve this.

For guidance on customizing select elements, you may find this page helpful: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_custom_select.asp

To target all variable product select fields based on attribute names, you can use the following CSS selector:

.single-product div.product table.variations select {
/* Your Custom Style Here */

You can reference the provided JS code and incorporate it into your WordPress theme's footer using the following hook:

function child_theme_footer_script() { ?>
<?php }
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'child_theme_footer_script', 20 );

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