Conquering challenges arising from organizing subdirectories for js/css/xml files

During the process of developing a website with html, css, js and xml files stored on my computer (not yet online), I initially kept all the files in one folder along with an images folder. However, as the project progressed and things started to get messy, I decided to organize my files into separate folders for css, js, and xml, updating references accordingly. Unfortunately, this change led to encountering the "Access to restricted URI denied code: 1012" error, which was discussed here, here, and here. Acting upon the advice from the last link, I moved the site to my localhost server, resolving the 1012 error. However, new issues arose where my js code had trouble accessing html elements. To keep it general, what are common challenges and their corresponding solutions related to relocating website files into subdirectories?

Answer №1

Challenges arising from relocating files to subfolders.

  • CSS images are linked relative to the CSS file's location.
  • JavaScript references to other files are tied to the page's location.

I have created a demonstration for illustration purposes


Answer №2

In my personal experience, having numerous folders can lead to various issues.

One approach is to create modules from your code and organize all the public resources for each module within the same folder group. However, this strategy is most beneficial for large-scale projects like Yahoo or Amazon.

If the structure becomes overly complex, adding multiple folders will only exacerbate the situation. It's best to keep your folder system straightforward in order to simplify your code and reduce its complexity.

Answer №3

When migrating style sheets to a css directory, simply prepend ./css/ to the beginning of all your css link hrefs. Additionally, add ../ to the start of each image URL in your css files. Transitioning javascripts to a js folder follows a similar process, just include ./js/ at the start of your js link hrefs. Relocating .xml files to an xml folder may require more steps. Because of the 1012 error, it's necessary to host your site on a server if it isn't already. Next, review your js code and incorporate ./xml/ into the beginnings of your xml references. If you have a function like

function openXMLfile(xmlFileName)
, you'll only need to modify one line:"GET", xmlFileName+".xml", false);
to"GET", "./xml/"+xmlFileName+".xml", false);
Appreciation for the assistance from other responses and feedback. Valuable insights. Upvoted.

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