Why isn't the content of the initial tab in a <section> shown when clicking a link in the side-drawer?

View the JSFiddle here.

Within this MCVC, a side drawer is implemented (opened by clicking the top left button) that contains three labeled links: Link One, Link Two, and Link Three. Each link has an href attribute value that starts with "#" concatenated with the corresponding id of the <section>.

In the CSS styling, all <section>s linked in this drawer are initially hidden (display:none), except for the first one which is set to display (display:block).

A JavaScript click event listener function was developed for each link. This function performs actions using JQuery such as hiding the currently displayed <section> and showing the targeted <section> related to the specific link clicked.

The Issue:

Upon clicking on any link within the side drawer, the corresponding <section> does change its style to display:block; as verified in the browser's inspector. However, upon switching to a new tab after clicking a link, the content inside the newly displayed <section> fails to load properly and instead shows a blank white space.

What could be causing this problem? Is there something crucial that I overlooked?

Answer №1

If you want a specific class to be displayed when clicking on the menu item, make sure to add it to your other sections as well.

Take a look at these two sections:

<section id="delta" class="mdl-tabs__panel is-active" style="background-color:green;" >


<section id="maroon" class="mdl-tabs__panel is-active" style="background-color:maroon;" >

You'll see that they now have the classes mdl-tabs__panel and is-active.

In your jsfiddle, don't forget to include the is-active class on these two sections.

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