iOS users are experiencing issues with mobile responsiveness

I've encountered a strange issue with the mobile responsive design of a website.
The website in question is

While everything displays correctly on desktop using dev tools > responsive, and on any Android device, the problem arises when viewing it on iOS devices (tested on 2 iPhones). The website appears to be twice the width of the actual screen.

For your information, I am utilizing tailwindcss, tailwindui, and nextjs.

In this image, you can see the horizontal scroll bar for navigating.

Here, you can observe how I can freely scroll horizontally, which doesn't occur on dev tools or Android devices.

Additionally, when I press the mobile menu icon, the entire layout shrinks slightly.

Answer №1

The reason is the first section with classes "flex-shrink-0 flex items-center". I added a new style rule with "max-width: 100%;".

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