Looking for assistance in identifying the cause of CSS malfunction in Internet Explorer

I am encountering some challenges with the CSS on my website. I developed the site without considering Internet Explorer, and now that I am trying to address IE bugs, it feels like a daunting task. How do you approach debugging in situations like these? Could it be a bug in Tumblr causing invalid code to be generated? It's working fine in Firefox though! 😄

<a _blank="" target=" target=" href="http://fadeyev.net/2010/06/19/lessjs-will-obsolete-css/">Less.js Will Obsolete CSS</a>

Answer â„–1

The issues don't lie with CSS or IE, but rather with the way your a tag is set up.

<a _blank="" target=" target=" href="http://fadeyev.net/2010/06/19/lessjs-will-obsolete-css/">Less.js Will Obsolete CSS</a>

It should look like this:

<a target="_blank" href="http://fadeyev.net/2010/06/19/lessjs-will-obsolete-css/">Less.js Will Obsolete CSS</a>

Answer â„–2

Making websites compatible with Internet Explorer is an ongoing task. The developer toolbar provided by IE can be a valuable asset in this endeavor. Websites like QuirksMode offer a wealth of information on browser compatibility. While it appears you are already utilizing jQuery and a CSS template, it is important to emphasize the benefits of leveraging frameworks designed with compatibility in mind. If setting up virtual machines is not your preference, Browser Shots is a useful tool for testing your site across various operating systems and browsers. Lastly, considering the diminishing market share of IE6, it may not be necessary to prioritize compatibility at that level.

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