Styles in CSS for the first column of a table, with the exception of the first cell in

Here is the HTML code for a table:

<table class='census'>
        <th colspan="2">My Title</th>
        <td colspan="2" class='chart'><SOME PIE CHART, GENERATED WITH JS></td>
        <td>Some title</td>
        <td>Some Data</td>
        <td>Some title</td>
        <td>Some Data</td>
        <td>Some title</td>
        <td>Some Data</td>
        <td>Some title</td>
        <td>Some Data</td>
        <td>Some title</td>
        <td>Some Data</td>

In order to set a fixed width for the first column of this table, you can use CSS like this:

.census td:first-child {
    background-color: #F0F8FE;
    width: 250px;

However, applying a fixed width to all first <td> tags including the one with colspan="2" that contains the chart created with JavaScript may cause issues. One possible solution could be:

.census td:first-child:not(.chart) {
    background-color: #F0F8FE;
    width: 250px;

But this might not work as expected in all browsers and can lead to unexpected results. If you're facing difficulties with implementing this, seeking further assistance or alternatives would be advisable.

Answer №1

Is it possible to simply override the existing style by placing the chart class afterwards like this?

   .census td:first-child {
        background-color: #F0F8FE;
        width: 250px;

    .census td.chart {
      width: auto;

Answer №2

If you need a solution that works across different browsers, I recommend using jQuery:

$('td:first-child:not([colspan=2])').css('width', '250px');

For an example, check out this link:

Answer №3

Now is the perfect opportunity to utilize the caption, thead, tbody, and tfoot elements for this purpose:

tbody td:first-child {
    width: 250px;

<table class='census'>
    <caption>My Title</caption>

            <td colspan="2" class='chart'>SOME PIE CHART, GENERATED WITH JS</td>

            <td>Some title</td>
            <td>Some Data</td>
            <td>Some title</td>
            <td>Some Data</td>
            <td>Some title</td>
            <td>Some Data</td>
            <td>Some title</td>
            <td>Some Data</td>
          <td>Some title</td>
          <td>Some Data</td>

Considering it, the pie chart may actually work better in the tfoot rather than thead.

Alternatively, you could simply override it on the colspanned elements:

td:first-child {
    width: 250px;

td[colspan] {
    width: auto;

Answer №4

A new approach, inspired by cinnamon but with a twist using table layout helpers:

Why not experiment with defining specific columns like this?

<table class='census'>
    <col class="column1"></col>
    <col class="column2"></col>
        <th colspan="2">Title of My Table</th>
        <td colspan="2" class='chart'>DISPLAY A PIE CHART HERE, CREATED WITH JS</td>
        <td>Title One</td>
        <td>Some Data Point</td>

You can then specify the width in the CSS:

.column1 {
    background-color: papayawhip;
    width: 250px;

Note that cells with colspan set will not be affected by the column width.

Check out the demo

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