Tips for eliminating unnecessary space in a text area

I have a textarea and a button. I wanted them to be placed in the same horizontal line from the bottom. However, when I place them inline with no style applied, there is extra margin at the bottom of the textarea that is causing them not to align properly:

I'm struggling to understand why this is happening. What is causing this extra margin below the text area? Interestingly, when I do the same thing with form inputs, they appear fine as shown in image 2:

So what exactly is causing the textarea to behave like this?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
        textarea, button {
            margin: 0;


Answer №1

To solve the problem, simply include vertical-align: bottom; in your CSS style:

<style type="text/css>
      vertical-align: bottom;

The reason for this issue is that setting them as inline elements creates a conflict with their vertical alignment. Adding this style will resolve the problem.

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