What distinctions are there between placing a `<link rel="stylesheet" href=..video.scss>` in the index.html versus utilizing `import '../video.scss'`?

As a newcomer to React.js, I've observed that there are different ways to include stylesheets in a React Component. Some developers use the import method like this:

import '../../styles/video.scss

while others prefer to link the stylesheet directly in the index.html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/styles.css">

I'm curious about when to use each method and which one is generally preferred when working with ReactJs?

Answer №1

import '../../styles/video.scss'

This is definitely the way forward.

The main distinction is that importing in this manner will pass through the webpack pipeline, including loaders. The specific loader that transpiles SASS looks for ES6 imports and cannot transpile link tags in the index. In simpler terms, you can't import sass & other similar files using a link tag.

Additionally, continually adding items to the index file will cause it to quickly become cluttered and disorganized.

Furthermore, your scenario only pertains to global css imports, which can be accomplished through a link in the index file. However, modular css requires module imports.

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