The text-decoration is here to stay

Currently, I am facing an issue with the customization of a wordpress theme related to the styling of links within posts. Although I have tried to change the color and remove underlining using CSS rules, I am unsuccessful so far:

a, .entry-meta a, entry-content a {
   color: #cc6633;
   transition: color .5s linear;
   text-decoration: none!important;


While the color changes successfully, the transition effect works fine, but the underlining persists in a different color and is not affected by the set color. Has anyone else encountered this problem before? Thank you.


After removing the line:

text-decoration: none;

I came across this issue:

The subtle difference caused by styles reveals that the underline returns, along with the presence of another dark grey underline. This suggests that two underlines are being applied to the same link simultaneously?

Answer №1

We found a missing period before the class object:

.entry-content a{
text-decoration: none !important!;}    

Answer №2

Start by adding a space between "none" and "!important" in the style declaration. Additionally, consider the possibility that another class may have text-decoration: underline !important applied later in the stylesheet.

To troubleshoot this issue, try using an inline style for the anchor tag to see if it resolves the problem.

<a style="text-decoration: none !important;"></a>

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