Tips for adjusting image hues in Internet Explorer?

I have successfully altered the colors of PNG images in Chrome and Firefox using CSS3.

Here is my code:

  -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(59deg);
  filter: hue-rotate(59deg);
<img src='' />
<img id='second_image' src='' />

Check out this Fiddle as well.

The issue I'm facing now is figuring out how to achieve the same effect in Internet Explorer, starting from version 9. Is it possible at all? I am open to JavaScript, jQuery solutions, or any creative ideas.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not support CSS Filters in any version.

Here is a current list of browsers that do support CSS Filters as of March 25th, 2016:

For the most recent information, check out CanIUse.

While there is a polyfill available for CSS filters, it lacks support for IE 10+, older Presto-based Operas, Opera Mini, and the Android browser.

The supported filters are limited to :

  • grayscale (only 0% or 100% values in IE)
  • sepia (only 0% or 100% values in IE)
  • blur
  • invert (only 0% or 100% values in IE)
  • brightness
  • drop-shadow

Another Option

An alternative approach could involve using a backend language like PHP to manipulate your file.

Create an index.php file with the following code :

// PHP code goes here

If you host this file on a server that supports PHP, you can use it like this:

<img src='' />
<img src='' />
<img src='' />
<img src='' />
<img src='' />

Answer №2

Each web browser has its own specific engine, so utilizing it may result in compatibility across all browsers.

  -webkit-filter: //implement desired effects;
  -moz-filter: //implement desired effects;
  -ms-filter: //implement desired effects;
  -o-filter: //implement desired effects;
  filter: //implement desired effects;
  filter: //implement desired effects; /* Firefox 4+ */
  filter: //implement desired effects; /* IE 6-9 */

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