Guide to positioning text so the baseline aligns with a specific point in HTML/CSS

After developing an algorithm that converts text from SVG to HTML, I encountered a discrepancy in the positioning of the text. The issue stems from the difference in coordinate systems between SVG and HTML; SVG's origin is at the bottom left while HTML's is at the top left. As a result, my HTML text appears lower than intended. Despite my preference for keeping the text in SVG format, I am obliged to fulfill a client request for a pixel-perfect copy in HTML.

To rectify this discrepancy, I need to align the baseline of the text in HTML with the corresponding point from the SVG. I attempted to use vertical alignment for this purpose, but without success. Although I already know where the baseline should be positioned, I'm struggling to implement it effectively in the HTML version.

If anyone has insights on aligning the baseline of text to a specific point in HTML or if it's even feasible to position text using the baseline rather than the top left corner, I would greatly appreciate your input.

Answer №1

The position of the baseline cannot be altered using CSS, as it is determined by the font itself.

I wish I could experiment with different options, but the solution must be universal for any SVG file, regardless of the font or size used. This means that the margin will vary each time.

This eliminates any workaround to achieve the desired appearance.

Explore all available values for vertical-align.

If none of these options prove helpful, I am at a loss for further suggestions.

Answer №2

Alternative Method

To adjust the vertical alignment of your fonts on a webpage, consider enclosing them in a designated element.

.font-vertical-fix {
  position: relative;
  bottom: -0.2em;

<span class="font-vertical-fix">
  Displaying a poorly designed font family on the web.

Check out an example here:

Recommended Solution

Opt for using Webfonts specifically created for online use.

Fonts intended for desktop applications may not translate well onto the web without proper adjustments. Designers typically have more flexibility to nudge fonts vertically within design software like Adobe or Sketch.

Answer №3

To achieve the desired line spacing, try adjusting the line-height property. Additionally, experimenting with padding and margins may be necessary to perfect the overall layout.

Answer №4

To specify the position, utilize the CSS properties of bottom and left within divs (ensuring that the position is absolute).

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