"Which is better for maximizing the efficiency of an image grid: CSS or Jquery? What are the key

As a UX Designer looking to enhance my coding skills, I must admit my code may not be perfect. Please bear with me as I navigate through this process.

I am in the process of revamping my portfolio website. The original seamless grid was created using a Masonry-like JQuery plugin, but it's quite slow.

To improve performance, I decided to switch to using Masonry, however, I still have concerns about speed. Therefore, I stumbled upon an all-CSS solution that I hope will load faster. https://css-tricks.com/seamless-responsive-photo-grid/

After seeking advice on another platform, I discovered that the issue might not lie with the sluggish plugin but rather in preloading 3MB of images. Despite resizing and optimizing the images to reduce memory usage significantly, the loading speed remains a problem. What could I be missing? How do larger websites manage to load numerous images smoothly while my code struggles? Are there additional optimization techniques I should consider implementing, such as incorporating a loading screen?

[EDIT:] All images have been compressed and optimized. While the images load fairly quickly, the main issue is the Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) during the process where JavaScript reformats the images.

Answer №1

It is common to preload 3MB of images, which is the total weight of your images. This is not a problem and is considered normal behavior.

To optimize your website's performance, you may want to consider using an Image Compression Tool. If you anticipate adding more images to your page, implementing Lazy Load with infinite scroll could be beneficial. I personally recommend using this jQuery plugin for static pages.


If your website will not have a large number of images, utilizing lazy load and implementing a fade effect once the image is loaded can improve user experience. Two popular jQuery plugins that can help achieve this are:

  • Lazy Load (commonly used)
  • Unveil (minimalistic and quick)

Answer №2

If you want to optimize your website's images, the best approach is to utilize Photoshop's "Save for the Web" feature. However, in addition to image size, there are various factors that can impact a site's loading speed.

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Reduce the size of your images without compromising quality
  • Select a reliable hosting provider
  • Combine and minimize CSS & JS files
  • Limit the number of requests
  • Enable caching
  • Utilize a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

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