Is there a way to manipulate CSS to update automatically when new content is loaded via ajax?

I need help with customizing the CSS for 4 image links on my website. Each link is represented by a small image in its normal state and a larger image when hovered over. The content for each link is loaded using ajax.

My question is how can I modify the CSS so that when a link's content is displayed, it shows the larger image? Additionally, once the user clicks on another link, how do I revert the previously clicked link back to the smaller image?

Answer №1

Simply using a:hover in pure CSS is not sufficient, as the link will return to its normal state when the mouse moves out or other areas are clicked.

To address this, you must handle the click event on the specific anchor element. For instance, assuming all anchors have the class "product" and the wine name is used as the ID of the div:

    e.preventDefault(); // Prevents default action for the link
    $("a.product").removeClass("active"); // Removes "active" status from other products

    var name = $(this).parent.attr("id");
    $(this).addClass("active"); // Sets selected item as "active"
    // Implement your AJAX logic here...

The corresponding HTML could be:

<div id="wineName1"><a class="product">...</a></div>
<div id="wineName2"><a class="product">...</a></div>
<div id="wineName3"><a class="product">...</a></div>

In your CSS, target the larger image like this:

#wineName1 {...}
#wineName1 active { /* Styles for larger image go here */ }

As a side note unrelated to your query, structuring your wines with an unordered list (ul) may be more semantically appropriate.

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